Purpose of the Signature Award
To further advance the Dr. Martin Luther King's service legacy beyond the Day of Service event, 2014 MLK Day of Service Advisory Committee awarded funding for three (3) organizations that participated in the 2014 Day of Service event.  The award amounts vary up to a maximum of $10,000 per awarded organizations. 13 of the 21 candidates who submitted Signature Award application with all required information and were scored (see Attachment “A” Scoring Matrix). Bethel AME Human Services, Greater Pinellas Point Civic Association, and The Gathering of Women organizations received the highest scores and selected to receive the award respectively, (Both third party scorers and staff were used to evaluate applications). After selection was made, all candidates were notified via email.
Signature Award Applicants:
Gramps Raising Grands
Provide care resource for grandparents
Triumph Learning Center, LLC
Community Garden and nutrition foods
Breaking Free By Faith Outreach Ministry, Inc
Transitional housing facility
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Mentor Young African Americans males
Mt. Zion College Prep 101
Prepare middle & high students for college
Green Florida
Growing nutritional foods
Sistahs Surviving Breast Cancer
Breast cancer intervention and information
Greater Pinellas Point Civic Associate
weeRead Literacy Program
Clothes To Kids, Inc
Youth clothing store for low income families
Pinellas Ex-Offender Re-Entry Coalition
Provide economic assistance to ex-offenders
The Gathering Of Women, Inc.
Man Camp to mentor African American males
Bethel AME Human Service and Education Foundation, Inc.
Homeless care, food pantry, and medical assistance
CASA (Community Action Stop Abuse, Inc.)
Domestic violence intervention & shelter 

Selected Signature Award recipients and awarded amounts

Signature Awardees received the initial 50% award funding April 8, 2014, and after they submitted their Interim Report, the second 50% award funding was disbursed on May 9, 2014. Each awardee submitted their final report on June 5, 2014

2014 MLK Signature Projects Outcomes

Collectively, the three organizations utilized a total of 147 volunteers, posted 1379 volunteer hours, and impacted and served 2630 citizens of the St. Petersburg community within a two and half months period.

The chart below reflects the achievement levels of each Signature Project

Areas of Concern
weeREAD Literacy Program / Greater Pinellas Point Civic Association
Bethel AME Human Services and Education Foundation
The Gathering of Women, Inc.
 Number of volunteers that participated in your Signature Award
Total number of volunteer hours for your Signature Award Project
 How many people were actually impacted and served by your Signature Award Project?
Totals are self-reported



Recipients of the 2014 Signature Award

Org. Name
Awarded Amount.
Matching In-Kind Funds
Total cos of project
Bethel AME Human Services
Greater Pinellas Point Civic Association
The Gathering of Women
Bethel AME Human Services Foundation, Inc. provided nutritional care to the homeless and working poor. By hosting a weekly Food Pantry Distribution Program and the Sunday Feeding Ministry at Bethel AME Church, this project provided food to “230 families with an average of 18 pounds of staple food, fresh vegetables, meats, bread and drink per week”. Plus feed a total of 586 persons at the Sunday Feeding at Bethel AME program between April 2014 and May 2014. (Bethel AME Human Service final report) Dr. Felton, President of the Bethel AME Human Services Foundation, Inc., explained that the Signature Award funds helped to fill an unexpected need created by the recent untimely “closure of a portion of the feeding program by St. Vincent de Paul Ministries” to provide nutrition to the local homeless community.  The organization has formed relationships with:
·         Feeding American Tamps Bay, Inc.− a major food distribution program on the west coast of Florida
·         ASAP Service and Berkeley School of Nursing − provide hypertension, diabetes, HIV, and hearing screenings to needy adults, families and veterans
·         Pinellas County Health Department and the Lions Club −  work to provide physical examinations, immunizations, vision and hearing screenings to preschool and school age youth

Scheduled activities held and planned:

·         Health screenings,
·         immunization both adults and youth
·         6 - Credit & Home ownership
·         Will conduct homeless feeding and food distribution for 29 weeks
o   (Sunday Feeding Ministry Program- April through October, 2014- 29 weeks; 2)Tuesday Food Pantry Distribution- April through October, 2014- 30 weeks; 3) Health Physical Exams and Immunizations- June, and August 2014-Two sessions; 4) Hypertension/Diab.
weeRead Literacy Program / Greater Pinellas Point Civic Association, hosted several events as their Signature Project. On May 22, 2014 the first Family Book Fair & Meet the Author activity was held at Lakewood Elementary School. Mr. Martin, author of the Award Winning children book, entitled Shelly Adventures was present to sign books and speak to parents and kids. The children participated in a sign language workshop conducted by several teachers and school staff members train in the (American Sign Language, ASL) practices. Over 800 books were distributed during the event to families with children.  All funds were used to purchase books to be distributed to children of reading ages.  

Scheduled activities held and planned:

·         April 2014 - Gridiron Family Fun Day
·         April 2014 - GPPCA Family BBQ Book Fair-RAINED OUT
·         May 22, 2014, 630P,  - Lakewood Elementary Book Fair & Meet The Author Event
·         Aug 2014 - Presentation Day City Council, City Hall
·         Aug 2014 - National Book Week Aug 17-23, One City-One Book
·         Aug 2014 - Read-A-Thon
·         Sept 2014 - CareFest Book Drive
·         Oct 2014 - McMannis Preschool Book Fair
·         Dec 2014 - Santa Parade Book Gift-Away

The Gathering of Women / Man Camp Program, The Man Camp acknowledges that mentoring relationships can be fun and very rewarding, but we also acknowledge that they can be challenging at times. Man Camp provided and will continue to provide a high level of expert-led training including pre-service training and ongoing individual and group training sessions throughout the duration of the match relationship. Our volunteers and advisory Board members provide individual consultations, as needed, to offer training on how to handle very sensitive and delicate situations that sometimes arise during the course of building and maintaining the mentoring relationship.
The organization formed new or enhanced their relationships with the following community groups:
·         The Brotherhood of Men
·         The YMCA of St. Petersburg Harbordale Branch
·         Pinellas Technical Education Center PTEC, Business Advantage
·         The Childs Park Neighborhood Association
·         The Poynter Institute’ Write Field Program
·          Pinellas County Urban League

Scheduled activities held and planned:

·         May 15 - Training for Man Camp participates and parents/While the real magic of mentoring happens in the mentor-mentee relationship, involving the parents in the mentoring services is one of the best things a program can do to ensure its success.
·         May 17 - Barbecue Cookout at Dell Holmes Park/ The Barbecue cookout is an opportunity to introduce and get acquainted with mentors, mentees, parents and members.
·         June 7 - Trip to Bethune Cookman University/A tour of Bethune Cookman University where the students in grades 9-12 will experience the warmth and vitality of a community rich in history, intellectual stimulation, culture and diversity
·         June 11 - Group activities /during this activity mentors & mentees are brought to a group activity. Group activities will include games, basketball, football, chess or one-on-one time with mentors
·         June 25 - Peer group activities/same as above
·         July 12 - Game Day Fundraiser/ Enjoy a fund day playing a variety of table top games, software games, enjoying pizzas, snacks and beverages.
·         July 24 - Going quarterly Mentor Training

Success Story:
John was 19 and just released from jail. He was referred to our man camp by a community person. John was desperate for positive role models. He needed someone he could relate to and talk to, more importantly; he needed someone who would challenge him to begin the long process of rebuilding his life. We didn’t have to look far for a mentor we had one that matched perfectly. Our mentor took John under his wing and began assisting him to make the transition by introducing him to a program to further his education and to challenge him to move forward on a new path of life. This natural mentoring relationship has helped to make it possible for John to make forward on a path he chose for himself. We see evidence that mentoring works as a cycle of mentoring breaks the cycle of gang violence and other acts of violence.

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